Did you know our security system is pet friendly?
Today is Love Your Pet day and we know pets play a big role in Irish homes with around one third of households owning a cat or dog. According to Pet Sitters Ireland, 30% of Irish pet owners have four or more pets!

We’re big fans of our furry friends here at HomeSecure which is why all our internal motion sensors are pet friendly.
Our canine best friends often feel like they are the ones protecting the home but it’s important that we do our best to protect our furry friends, who are often home alone, when burglaries are most likely to happen.
As part of our home security pack, we provide seven wireless sensors, which is more than enough to secure most Irish homes. The pack comes with a combination of door, window and internal motion sensors.
If you tell one of our engineers that you have a pet on the day of the installation we will make the system work for your entire family.
With our latest security system, our motion sensors use a digital algorithm to detect human movement so your pet can move freely around your home. Our sensors can ignore pets with a height of up to 50cm and weight up to 20kg. So, your pets can roam free without setting off the system, while they wait for you to come home.

If you happen to own a large dog or a very energetic cat, it can admittedly be a bit trickier, however we can always find a solution! As cats can jump on tables and counters, they can easily set off alarm sensors. With clever zoning and our handy ‘At Home’ Stay mode, HomeSecure’s security system can be customised to maximise their freedom to roam their home.
When you’re back home, you can set the alarm to Stay Mode and this arms your perimeter sensors, but not your motion sensors so you, your family and your pets can walk around the home without setting the alarm off.
If you want more information on our home security pack and pet friendly sensors, please call 1800 911 731.