
Four Ways To Help You Have a Fun and Secure Halloween

Halloween is a time of fun and festivities, but it is important to recognise that this time of year is typically followed by increased incidents of burglaries. Halloween night is an evening full of trick or treaters, with lots of people coming and going from house to house. If you and your family are heading out to gather some treats, it’s important to arm your system to the Away Mode. When your family are in for the evening and tucking into your trick or treat goodies, set your system to the Stay Mode. Remember the HomeSecure App and keypad have panic buttons, these are there if you require emergency assistance.

For many people, young and old, it’s one of their favourite days of the year, however for pets, it’s definitely a day they dread. Cats and dogs are usually spooked by fireworks, so remember to keep them in-doors. Our system is pet friendly, so once your arm your system, you can keep your furry friends safe, while you’re either out and about or at home tucking into your sweets!


Although this time of year does see a 20% increase in burglaries, 84% of these burglaries avoid a home with a monitored alarm. So as a HomeSecure customer, you are 8.5 times safer than the nations average. We do advise families to be extra cautious, especially around Halloween, but there is always room for fun!

There are a few ways to make your day spooktacular for your kids.

  • Have a go at pumpkin carving. If those skills don’t come natural, YouTube has a huge array of simple videos to help you get creative. If you get them done before trick or treaters arrive, they can be a great addition to decorating your front step.
  • For more old school fun and to get them get a bit of their five a day, you get your kids to bob for apples!
  •  DIY Trick-or-Treat Bags. Get ready for the big night of trick or treating with a fun project. Have your kids decorate their own trick-or-treat bags using markers, stickers, and paint. They will get extra excited when they know they decorated the bag themselves.
  • End the day with Halloween movies and make it a Halloween to remember before tucking in for the night…..

Don’t forget to have some fun this Halloween, but also don’t forget to set your alarm. If the excitement of trick or treating gets too much and arming your alarm slips your mind, you can use the HomeSecure app to secure your home.

Happy Halloween from everyone at HomeSecure!

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